
Topic: Outfox

Fox sleeping, all curled up, tired from fighting bad guys.

Outfox wins iSANZ Start-Up of the Year award

We are thrilled to announce that Outfox has been honoured with the “Start-Up or New Business of the Year” award at the prestigious iSANZ award ceremony, held on Tuesday 14th …

Introducing Outfox

Intelligensia Rebrands as Outfox: A Fresh Name for a Bright Future Our journey began as Intelligensia, where we prided ourselves on delivering intelligent cyber resilience solutions to our valued clients. …

We’re re-branding!

We’re changing our name from Intelligensia to Outfox! The old name was hard to spell and hard to type. It also caused a degree of confusion in search engines, which …

Welcome to our new & improved blog

We’re beefing up our blogging game! Keep watch for information about the latest threats, advice on how to make your business more cyber resilient, and news about the NZ cybersecurity …