Partner with us

noun, /skʌlk/
Collective noun for a group of foxes.
Fancy joining our skulk?
We love to collaborate. Join our growing list of partners and we will work with you to boost the cyber resilience of your customers.
We especially love working with IT Managed Services Providers. Our cyber resilience capabilities can complement your in-house expertise to boost your customers’ cyber resilience.
If this sounds like you, contact us today!
Calling all Managed Service Providers
We are an award-winning cyber resilience company that specialises in helping small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) become more cyber resilient. This year we have decided to conduct research for a white paper that explores the level of understanding in SMEs about the importance of being cyber resilient.
We would like to interview the management team of any managed service provider that specialises in providing IT support services (including cyber security) to SME sized customers. Your input is essential to helping us develop a comprehensive view of SME’s cyber resilience. The interview will take approximately 20 minutes.
If you would like to participate, please email us at with your contact details and preferred method of contact.