
Topic: General

Fox sleeping, all curled up, tired from fighting bad guys.

Is a lack of cyber resilience making you lose your edge?

How do you know your competitive edge is dull? It’s when your customers go elsewhere. Cybercrime causes businesses to lose customers. When a customer’s sensitive information (aka PII)1 is stolen …

Government cyber security agencies merging

The government has announced that two of Aotearoa NZ’s government cyber security agencies are to merge. The change is one of the outcomes from the recent report of the Cabinet’s …

In the news: Record $35 million lost to scams this year

At least $35 million was lost to scams and fraud in New Zealand this year, according to Netsafe. The online safety organisation said there had been a 90% increase in …

Financial advice industry gets hard word on cybersecurity and warned of the dangers of cyber attacks to their finances, their clients and their reputations

The financial industry got the hard word on cybersecurity and were warned of the dangers cyber attacks on their finances, clients and reputations. Speaking at a webinar organised by Financial …