
Topic: Education

Fox sleeping, all curled up, tired from fighting bad guys.

Jargon buster: what is a “botnet”?

A multi-national task force led by the FBI have announced that they have successfully taken down the botnet known as Qakbot. The botnet was used for a variety of cybercrimes, …

It’s a Barbie world… for scammers

The Barbie movie is a hit, and not just with movie goers. McAfee say they have seen a surge in Barbie-related scams, as scammers try to cash in on the …

When disasters occur, charity scammers are there to make it worse.

When natural disasters occur, everyone wants to give a little to help. Sometimes the best thing we can do is donate money. It’s at times like these that scammers like …

Intelligensia explains Cyber Security

The words ‘cyber security’ get a lot of use in the media these days, but for most people it can be a confusing term, best left to the experts. What …