Government cyber security agencies merging

The government has announced that two of Aotearoa NZ’s government cyber security agencies are to merge. The change is one of the outcomes from the recent report of the Cabinet’s independent Cyber Security Advisory Committee.

The agencies concerned are the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), and the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT NZ). Currently, the NCSC is responsible for government departments, nationally significance organisations, and national infrastructure, while CERT NZ looks after other organisations and individuals.

Starting next month, CERT NZ will begin the process of merging into the NCSC.

The new merged entity should provide a clear single point of contact for people and organisations reporting cyber-crime, or wanting cyber assistance. This was one of the key recommendations of the committee to help strengthen Aotearoa NZ’s cyber landscape.

You can read the full Beehive announcement at Government strengthens cyber security.

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